Find out more about our commitment to sustainability


Plas Dinam is heated via a biomass boiler which is fuelled by airdried woodchip harvested from the Dinam estate. The wood is collected from within a couple of miles from Plas Dinam and after drying for 2 seasons it is chipped into the store alongside the boiler. The woods are carefully managed and replanted. Thus this system is sustainable and carbon neutral.
We buy energy through a ‘green’ tariff.

Gardens and Grounds

We use no insecticides and minimal herbicides. 

Our wildflower meadows continue to thrive with 52 species of flowers and grasses, along with all the insects and butterflies that these attract. We are working on extending the wild flower meadows to other grass areas.

There’s a broad range of tree species and we actively plant new trees in our grounds, much of the 13 acres of grounds is deciduous woodland. Some are special species and others ancient! We plant new trees each year.

There are many bird species that nest in and around the grounds, including the once threatened species, the Red Kite.

We have our own bees at Plas Dinam, including a thriving wild hive. The wildflowers and bee friendly garden flowers help produce wonderful honey.

Reducing Carbon

We are officially Carbon Literate!

We recycle and reuse to reduce our carbon footprint.

We use local, independent suppliers wherever possible.

We don’t believe in buying new products unnecessarily and prefer to reuse and repair whenever we can. We upcycle furniture whenever possible and will always try to mend before replacing. We aim to reduce our waste production by buying good quality products with longevity.

We use environmentally friendly cleaning products and skincare products.

We are lucky to have lots of large windows at Plas Dinam which means that most of the time we can work around the house using natural daylight, reducing our energy use.

The majority of our contact with guests is conducted via email or phone and we aim to run a  paper free office.

We produce our own compost through mulching garden waste.

We provide luxury toiletries in the bathrooms a Plas Dinam but re-fill these from larger containers to prevent unnecessary wastage.

We refill cleaning spray bottles and use tablets where we can (such as smol products) to reduce plastic waste. This is an area we are currently researching and believe there are great benefits in new products on the market.

We use energy efficient light bulbs.

We turn heating thermostats down by 1 °C

We buy throws and rugs made from plastic bottles.

Fair Trade & Diversity 

We pay a fair wage

We offer equal opportunity to all

We support fair trade where at all possible


We use an ethical bank

We donate to charity on a yearly basis (£1,500-£2,000 donated per annum on average). Chosen charities have been Medecin Sans Frontier and Air Ambulance

Food & Flowers

We source seasonal, local and/or organic produce wherever possible


We substitute car travel with video conferencing where possible, or use the train

We have installed an electric car charger at Plas Dinam and the business own an electric vehicle


We recycle paper, glass, cans and plastic through our waste collection service. Food waste is minimised and often is fed to our chickens.

Rural economy

We encourage our guests to use wonderful local suppliers to reduce our collective carbon footprint and promote sustainability in rural Wales.

By providing quality accommodation and an amazing experience, be it be a wedding or party, we hope we provide a great option to stay in this country, a staycation, rather than taking flights.

Explore what Plas Dinam has to offer